Gökay Gültekin

Working, Learning and Optional Ways

I'm just starting to learn. There are too many paths, too many options. I noticed that some of them are not really essential. One could skip these things, and learn it when they're free. Some of them include;

  • Keyboard layouts. There are too many options. Writing speed is important, but writing should be fun too. I come across with Dvorak, Colemak, QGMLWB and many others.
  • Editors. Emacs (Spacemacs), Vi (Neovim), Ed, Sed and modern, GUI approaches like VS Code (Codium), Atom, Kate and others.
  • Version control systems. Learning and using one of them is important but there are too many options.
  • Spaces vs tabs. I prefer tabs. But I also use spaces. In both cases, I only touch TAB, and my editor do the rest for me.

What's really important? I want to produce something. To produce, I have to understand. I will also learn many things while trying to produce. So, I will be either;


  • Reading books
  • Applying tutorials
  • Writing tutorials

or Working

  • Recreating programs I already use
  • Contributing to projects I use
  • My own ideas

It might be not much, but it's enough to keep everything organized, for now.